Phil Chenevert
343 books
Fantasy Fiction
Leigh Douglass Brackett - Black Amazon of Mars (Version 2)
This gore drenched story finds Eric Stark, the barely civilized warrior raised on Mercury struggling to bring a dying Martian friend back to his home city in the North of Mars before he passes away. Unfortunately his...
2 hours 56 minutes
Animals & Nature
Hugh Lofting - Story of Doctor Dolittle (version 2)
This is the original book about the amazing Dr. Dolittle who «Besides the gold-fish in the pond at the bottom of his garden, he had rabbits in the pantry, white mice in his piano, a squirrel in the linen closet and a...
2 hours 51 minutes
Humorous Fiction
Stephen Leacock - Soaked In Seaweed and 7 other nonsense novels
8 great spoofs of 'types' of fiction by the premier Canadian humorist Leacock, taken from his book Nonsense Novels. The title of each parody gives away it's genre: Soaked in Seaweed or, Upset in the Ocean; Maddened...
2 hours 49 minutes